Research Talks

Sadie has three research talks which she can deliver at schools and public events, each is focused on a different area of astrophysics research which is carried out at the Astronomy group at the University of Southampton (UoS). If you would like Sadie or one of her colleagues to come and deliver a talk at your school or for your community group please email her with more information on your school/group, age of audience and location.

Black Hole Hunters Talk (Year8 – AS/A-Level)

This talk links to the research into both supermassive black holes and stellar-mass binary black holes. The first part of the talk focuses on X-ray and radio emission for black hole accretion disc and jets, which is the research focus of UoS astronomers Dr Sadie Jones and Prof Ian McHardy. It also links to the research into binary black hole systems and the citizen science project of Prof Matt Middleton.

AuroraQuest: Search for the Northern Lights (Year 8 – AS/A-Level)

This talk introduces the physics of the aurora and features the research of the Space Environment Physics (SEP) group, including details on their recent expeditions to Svalbard, Norway. The final part of the talk focuses on the SEP group’s citizen science project, The Aurora Zoo.

Hubble Lab Workshop (AS/A-Level)

This workshop links to the research of our Supernova Group. Each A-level student is given a worksheet to calculate the distances and recessional velocities of various galaxies in order to find the Hubble Constant.

The students will also learn about various astrophysics research that produces a wide variety of Hubble constant values.

The workshop takes ~1 hour 30minutes and the students will need their own rulers and scientific calculators for the workshop. Graph paper is optional.

For the pdf of the worksheet click here. Please feel free to download it for your own use.